

women are obsolete.

Tud: wake up fucker

ciub: a

ciub: da

Tud: catching up on your net business?

ciub: yeah

ciub: "wank"

Tud: you're wanking?

ciub: yeah

ciub: as we speak

Tud: but sir, you have such developed skills of writing with your left hand while shaking your right

ciub: no

ciub: i wank with my left

Tud: you have no HONOR!

ciub: si daca ma concentrez

ciub: cred ca reusesc sa mi`o si sug

ciub: in timp ce scriu

Tud: which brings me to my next point

Tud: women are obsolete

efectele adevarului absolut:

Cezy: but women have holes

Ciub: men have holes too

Ciub: and those holes can be just as juicy

Ciub: pe bune, in loc sa ne chinuim cu tipe

Cezy: ok got it

Ciub: hai sa ne intalnim

Ciub: si ne futem in cur

Ciub: si suntem amandoi fericiti

Cezy: taci

Ciub: pe bune

Cezy: u r sicker than me

Ciub: tu realizezi cat de simplu e?


what a fucktard

women rule so much

even for handjobs



even that they can make it better!

we are the kings of HAND

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